But somewhere along the line one has to assume that Russia will consider its own interests: on none of these issues does Moscow actually advance those interests by setting policy to antagonise the US. 但我们必须假定,俄罗斯在今后某个时候会考虑自身利益:事实上,俄罗斯在上述任何一个问题上采取对抗美国的政策,都无益于强化其利益。
People have to line up or make reservations in advance on Saturday and Sunday, otherwise they can't get a seat. 周六周日的时候,顾客必须提前预约或排队等候,要不然是不会有座位的。
The bottom line: The salary question is one of the most important, so you should prepare for it in advance and plan what to say. 重中之重:薪资问题是其中最重要的一个问题,所以你应该提前做好应对准备,并计划好到时该怎么说。
Is there a line plan or production loading schedule for at least one month in advance? 有预先最少一个月的生产线路图或者生产进度表吗?
Based on the infinitely straight line, this thesis discusses the concepts of curve of second orders center, diameter, advance gradually in the line. 以无穷远直线为基础讨论二阶曲线的中心、直径、渐近线等几个仿射概念,并联系解析几何中的有关性质,深入讨论它们之间的一致性。
Between the base of operations and the objective stretched the line of operations along which the army had to advance, often fighting sequential engagements against the enemy's defending army. 在作战行动的大本营和沿军队前进方向展开的所要夺取的目标点连线上,通常会与敌人的防御部队展开连续不断的战斗。
The harder line has come about partly since developed countries suspect China of using the G77 group of 130 developing nations to advance its agenda at Copenhagen. 发达国家转向更强硬的路线,也有部分原因在于,他们怀疑中国会利用代表130个发展中国家的77国集团,推进它在哥本哈根的议程。
All our fellow-countrymen must continue along this line of advance. 凡属国人,必须循此前进。
To make the consignor known about the line for shipment, liner company always make line schedule for next voyage in advance. 班轮公司为使货主了解班轮航线,以便托运,一般都事先制定自己所经营航线的船期表。
As to the time of metacarpal bone line joined, male has one year in advance than other place while female has three years in advance. 手掌骨干骺连合出现的时间较其它部位男生提前1年,女生提前约3年。
Furthermore, the construction adit is arranged in the mid-section of the tunneling line of TBM, and then the excavated advance of single TBM is guaranteed as well. 单机连续掘进长度按20km左右控制;而且在TBM施工段中间设置了施工支洞,从而确保了TBM单机掘进长度等。
In order to get in line with international insurance brokerage market and have ability to match against foreign developed brokerage agency, our country should take efficient action to advance and perfect it in several aspects. 为了尽快与国际保险经纪市场接轨,拥有和外国发达保险经纪公司相抗衡的实力,我国必须在诸多方面采取切实有效的措施大力加以改进和完善。
With assembly experiment and measurement on the spot, it is proved the assembly line can largely advance the efficiency and quality of auto axle shaft, and can also improve whole capability of driving axle. 本设计方案通过在合肥车桥有限责任公司的试装配和实地测量,证明所用工艺和技术能大幅度地提高了汽车半轴总成的装配效率和质量以及驱动桥的整体性能。
The evolution of vorticity field showed that the genesis and development of the local vorticity center or zone not only was directly related to a snowstorm shear line, also predicted its genesis in advance. 涡度场演变指出,高原上局地涡度中心和涡度带的生成和发展不仅与暴雪切变线的形成和发展密切相关,而且有预测切变线生成的先兆意义;
On front panel of control system, ignition parameters which engine operation need according to experiment demands can be recomposed ( spark advance angle and charging interval can be modified on line and spark advance, charging interval, rotate speed et al can be displayed). 在控制系统前面板上,可以根据要求设定发动机工作所需要的点火参数,即可在线调节点火提前角和充电时间,并对点火提前角、充电时间、转速等进行显示。
By applying the method, the unified modeling for product line resources can be carried out, and the real running state of product line can be simulated in advance and the rationality of different parameters can be quickly diagnose during the infancy of production planning. 该方法可实现生产线资源的统一建模,并可在生产规划时对生产线的实际运行状况进行前瞻性仿真,快速诊断各种参数的合理性。
The secretary profession, through the development of this line and the advance of this discipline for more than 20 years, has been recognized by relative competent labor authorities, Ministry of Education and the secretary academic community. 我国秘书职业经过二十余年秘书工作的发展和学科的前进,已经得到我国劳动部门与教育部门和秘书学界的公认。
Furthermore, traditional teaching methods have been changed as computer and network technology found their place in education field, web-based education comes into being in line with the advance of computer network technology and new talent training target in 21st century. 另一方面,计算机技术和网络技术进入教育领域,改变了传统的教学方式。在计算机网络技术迅速发展和新世纪人才培养这两个大的背景下,网络教育应运而生。
Take Structure Adjustment as the Key Line, Advance Suburban-oriented Economy 以结构调整为主线,写好城郊型经济大文章&联系武鸣县实际谈实现富民兴桂新跨越
Study of Marxism in China stressed to the times, keep up the pace, in line with contemporary economic, social and cultural development, and to advance theoretical research. 强调马克思主义中国化研究要与时俱进,紧跟时代步伐,符合当代中国经济、社会、文化的发展,并且要具有理论研究的超前性。
Firstly, it turns up that the hyperbola-structured narrative line of War and Peace makes itself clearly on the advance of time, the process of history and the representation of theme. 首先,《战争与和平》呈现出一种双曲线式的叙事线条,使得故事的时间推进、历史进程和主题呈现很明晰。
These theories come down in one continuous line and advance with time, they are unified in the practice of socialist legal Systerm construction. 它们之间既一脉相承又与时俱进,共同统一于社会主义法制建设实践。
The followings are ideas of lending credit risk management, which including taking refinement of risk management as main line to promote discrimination vigorously by advance and retreating; dynamic management and converting from time to time and clear responsibility, binding strongly. 随后提出以风险的精细化管理为主线,大力推行区别对待,有进有退;动态管理,时时转化;责任清晰,约束有力的贷款信用风险管理思路。